Category Archives: 文章

Invisible heroes in the intestines of ants: Blochmannia

DALL-E 2023 12 15 21.40.19 An illustration showing a close up of a carpenter ant with visible Blochmannia bacteria within its body highlighting the An illustration showing a close up of a carpenter ant with visible Blochmannia bacteria within its body highlighting the symbiotic relationship.

Lazybones Giant mountain ants and the Brucella bacteria have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship, with the Brucella bacteria providing nutrition and health for the giant mountain ants, and the giant mountain ants providing food and an environment for the Brucella bacteria to live in.... . . Read More

Taiwan Ant List 272 Ant Species | 10 Subfamilies | 77 Genera

Camponotus sp.1 02 scaled

A list of all ants produced in Taiwan, together with 4 subfamilies, 21 genera and 50 unnamed species (to be identified/published). The information in this article is the latest version in 2021, which is a substantial revision compared with the previous information in 2003, by Lin Zongqi.

3-Step Tutorial] What kind of ants are these? How to identify ants? The Most Detailed Diagram of Identification Procedure

Identify Cover

It shouldn't be that hard to identify ants, right? Can't you tell by looking at it?
In fact, this is a rigorous study, by observing the specific parts of the body of the ants, from subfamily to genus, step by step to find out the correct classification, this article is attached with a number of clear photographs, to take you to run through the correct process once in detail.