

XI's tail-lifting house ant is a small but uncommon tail-lifting ant with a wide distribution and is endemic to Taiwan with a special rank of soldier ant.

Ant Species Information

XI's Household Ants

Scientific Name: Crematogaster schimmeri

They are orange in color and have a large size, which is rare among lifting ants. They can lay fertile eggs and male ants, and the size of Silva's lifting ants is smaller than that of Bichler's lifting ants.

The Xixi's tail-lifting house ant is a single queen ant. A mature colony consists of one queen ant and several dozens to several hundred worker ants. It is an omnivorous and vegetarian ant that feeds on plant nectar, nectar secretion or small insect carcasses in the wild. They are found in low to medium altitude mountainous areas, nesting in tree branches or decaying wood. They are very small in size and their tracks can be easily overlooked.

Easy to keep, feed as the main food, can also use sugar water, cockroaches as food, use plaster ants nests, test tube for rearing. Humidity should be maintained at a high level and water towers should be provided. The growth rate of the colony is slow and the population of mature colony is relatively small.

Breeding Information

Ease of feeding

liable (to)

Temperature and humidity control

Not more than 32 degrees.

Production Speed



Tame and kind

Biology Information

system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc)

single-post system




Branches, rotting wood





About 4.5~5.5mm


Approx. 3~4mm


Approx. 2.4~2.6mm

clear photo

Worker ants, egg larvae, queen ants (left to right)
Lower center right is a big worker ant
The color of the queen is very different, this queen is ruby red.

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