文章目錄1 黑頭慌琉璃蟻 ( Tapinoma melanocephalum )2 小黃家蟻 ( Monomo. . . 閱讀更多
文章目錄1 為什麼家裡有螞蟻 ?2 如何消滅或趕走螞蟻 ?3 螞蟻為何喜歡來我家 ?4 家蟻的危害5 驅蟻 v. . . 閱讀更多
文章目錄1 簡介2 狩獵方式3 購買連結4 清晰照片 簡介 被稱作「陷阱蟻」,利用觸發式大顎狩獵,如同捕獸夾一. . . 閱讀更多
The content of this table is based on personal experience and information sharing with friends, it is for reference only, and you are welcome to share with us your wedding flight situation ( Message /...). . . Read More
文章目錄1 懶人包2 黃迷的名字3 黃迷的資訊 | 成長周期3.1 卵3.2 幼蟲3.3 蛹3.4 成蟲4 黃. . . 閱讀更多
文章目錄1 懶人包2 歷史邂逅:來自遠古的合作3 腸道工廠:為蟻群提供營養和健康4 蟻群健康的關鍵:交哺5 氣. . . 閱讀更多
The ants are ready to fly out of the nest when the time is right to find a new home! This is the mating ceremony of ants. Since it takes place in the air, it is called the "Wedding Ceremony". . . Read more
文章目錄1 懶人包2 準備工作:你需要什麼?3 搬家指南:如何選擇和設置蟻巢?4 食物與餵食:怎麼做才能讓螞蟻. . . 閱讀更多
文章目錄1 懶人包2 蟻巢:螞蟻的私密空間3 餵食區:人蟻互動的場地4 飼料:不只是食物,更是營養5 防逃劑:. . . 閱讀更多
文章目錄1 懶人包2 螞蟻哪裡有趣?3 準備工作4 如何飼養螞蟻?5 螞蟻的種類和特點6 螞蟻的習性和行為7 . . . 閱讀更多
Every queen needs a crown, right? But when you put it on, it looks like an alien toy? For a species called Monomorium t... . Read More
文章目錄1 簡介2 工蟻的照護行為3 新的發現4 還有個新功能5 結繭的螞蟻6 結論7 原始文章 簡介 研究人. . . 閱讀更多
A list of all ants produced in Taiwan, together with 4 subfamilies, 21 genera and 50 unnamed species (to be identified/published). The information in this article is the latest version in 2021, which is a substantial revision compared with the previous information in 2003, by Lin Zongqi.
After many revisions, the Ant Trapper Feeding Cover has undergone many changes, making the product easier to use, more forgiving and easier to install.
The ants are small in size and do not grow rapidly. It is well documented that the ants are collected in the mountainous area of Kaohsiung at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level, but the ant hunters have collected the ants from the Kaohsiung City beach at an altitude of 30 meters above sea level, and the ants have good adaptability.
Mak's Spiny Mountain Ants from TaiwanCurrently there is a disputeThere are at least two species that fit the description of the McManus ant. Although the photo in this article identifies the species as McManus ant, many people still refer to it as the Golden Spiny Mountain Ant, Golden Sp. etc. This species is characterized by its long, golden downy hairs, matte black abdomen, and it is only found in the middle and lower elevations of the mountainous regions.
Another species that matches the description of the McMillan ant is larger in size and more common with short golden hairs.
Crack Household Ant (formerly known as Crack Household Ant) is a very small ant that is found in many countries around the world. It is not easy to find worker ants in the wild and has good adaptability.
XI's tail-lifting house ant is a small but uncommon tail-lifting ant with a wide distribution and is endemic to Taiwan with a special rank of soldier ant.
It shouldn't be that hard to identify ants, right? Can't you tell by looking at it?
In fact, this is a rigorous study, by observing the specific parts of the body of the ants, from subfamily to genus, step by step to find out the correct classification, this article is attached with a number of clear photographs, to take you to run through the correct process once in detail.
Feeding caps were introduced in the hope that it would be more convenient for the new queen to be nurtured. Unfortunately, it did not satisfy everyone Many people's comments on the feeding cap are more like "no . . . Read more
文章目錄1 螞蟻異常行為的觀察2 蟻群持續衰退的困境3 有毒的的餵食區4 螞蟻中毒的奇怪行為5 成功復原的代價. . . 閱讀更多
文章目錄1 簡介2 先講結論3 一滴水到底如何定義?4 其他螞蟻呢?5 實際應用6 參考文獻 簡介 要餵給螞蟻. . . 閱讀更多
Don't be misled by the term "water tower", his correct name is "water supply equipment", and it is a very important thing in ant farming to provide water for ants' life.
After the wedding ceremony, some queen ants will "team up" to build up a nest together, which will greatly increase the survival rate and the success rate of colony building.
However, every queen's inner calculation is how to maintain his superiority and get the most benefits.
Giant black mountain ants and Hirschsprung's giant mountain ants are very popular among beginners. Many people are keeping both types of ants, but they are very similar in appearance, so how can they tell the difference?
文章目錄1 簡介2 蟻種資訊3 清晰照片4 其他家蟻亞科蟻種 簡介 雙脊皺家蟻是一種常見的螞蟻,從. . . 閱讀更多
Tetramorium lanuginosum is a reddish-brown in color, and the queen ant is similar to the worker ants, except that the queen ant has the same appearance as the worker ants. . . Read More
Tetramorium nipponense is a reddish-brown colored worker ant. The queen ant is similar to the worker ant except that its body is... . . Read More
瘤顎家蟻學名:Strumigenys sp.1 此蟻中體型很小,工蟻體色為深褐色,蟻后外型與工蟻相似,唯獨蟻后. . . 閱讀更多
Diversified house ants are special ants with large size differences in their occupational ants, non-obviously dimorphic occupational ants, and large sizes of specialized soldier ants and queen ants.
文章目錄1 簡介2 蟻種資訊3 清晰照片4 詳細飼養方式5 常見疑問 簡介 厚背刺家蟻是一種極其稀有的螞蟻,是. . . 閱讀更多
Taipei Giant Mountain Ant is the largest ant in Taiwan. It is distributed in the middle and high altitude mountain areas and is difficult to keep.
Ceylon Household Ant is a medium-sized ant. The queen ant is similar to the worker ants in appearance, but the queen ant is larger in size and has more larvae in its nests than the other ants, so it is an easy ant to feed.
Javanese Ants, formerly known as Javanese Rough-needled Ants, is an ancient ant species that uses stings and jaws as its weapons. It is fierce and common in the wild, and a human being stung by it would feel like hot nails in his hand, but its venom would not kill him (unless you are stung by thousands of ants at a time, I guess).
With fast production speed, wide food habits, light color and medium size, it is easy to keep and observe. Even beginners who are new to pet ants can keep this species stably.